
APS Committee Nominations

March 12, 2024

APS accepts nominations on a rolling basis and is now accepting nominations for service beginning in 2026. Each summer, the APS Board and Council make committee assignments for the following calendar year, and the cycle for 2025 service is complete.

Reasons to nominate

Members drive the initiatives of the American Physical Society by serving on APS Committees. Committee members have a front-row seat in crafting Society policy, allowing them to serve as leaders in the field.

Service by APS’s diverse, talented, and engaged membership strengthens our community and enhances the leadership skills of committee members.


  • Committee members must be current APS members. Nominators must have a valid APS login.
  • Nominators are welcome to submit multiple candidates.


  • Nominate yourself or others by completing the nomination webform.
  • In the webform, please include a few sentences on why your nominee is qualified to serve on the committee – valuable information for the process of selecting candidates – as well as one or two paragraphs outlining your nominee's career highlights. This information is very valuable in the process of selecting candidates.
  • The webform will also allow the nominator to upload additional materials (such as a CV) for consideration.

The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the members of APS committees should reflect that diversity so that all are recognized for their impact on our community. Nominations of members belonging to groups traditionally underrepresented in physics, such as women, LGBT+ scientists, scientists who are Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and other people of color, disabled scientists, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged. Please also consider candidates from the industrial and private sectors, as well as early career scientists.

Please also consider whether your nominee meets the standards of professional conduct and integrity as described in the APS Guidelines on Ethics. All committee members will be required to complete the APS Professional Conduct Disclosure Form prior to confirmation of their appointment.

Committees seeking nominations

  • Careers and Professional Development
  • Education
  • Ethics
  • Governance
  • Historic Sites
  • Committee on Public Engagement
  • International Freedom of Scientists
  • International Scientific Affairs
  • Investment
  • Minorities in Physics
  • Nominating Committee
  • Panel on Public Affairs
  • Physics Policy Committee
  • Scientific Meetings
  • Scientific Publications
  • Status of Women in Physics

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