Committee on International Scientific Affairs

The Committee on International Scientific Affairs (CISA) supports the APS with regard to issues related to international science. The committee monitors the international science landscape and trends in international scientific research and the balance between new APS initiatives and ongoing activities in this arena. Activities of CISA serve to encourage APS efforts to strengthen interaction among scientists and engineers and institutions in different regions of the world and to further extend broad and worldwide access of physicists to scientific information and its exchange. CISA advises and assists APS staff and leadership and the Council, consulting with other relevant APS committees as appropriate.

The membership of CISA includes the Chair, Past-Chair and Chair Elect of the Forum on International Physics (FIP) and nine (9) members nominated by the Committee on Council Committees (CCC) and appointed by the President-Elect to staggered three (3) year terms.

The President-Elect appoints the Vice Chair, after consulting with the current committee members. The Vice Chair serves a one (1) year term, followed subsequently by a one (1) year term as Chair, and then a one (1) year term as Past Chair. The Vice Chair’s committee membership term is automatically extended to cover their service in the Chair line.

The CISA is a Council Committee.

  • Gerald(Jerry) Blazey, Chair
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    Northern Illinois University
  • Patricia McBride, Vice Chair
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
  • Beth Parks, Past Chair
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    Colgate University
  • Latifa Elouadrhiri
    (Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2025)
    Jefferson Lab/Jefferson Science Associates
  • E. Colglazier
    (Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2025)
    American Association For The Advancement of Science (AAAS)
  • Jason Gardner
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2026)
    Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Yung Woo Park
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2026)
    Seoul Natl Univ
  • Irvy Gledhill
    (Jan 1, 2022 – Dec 31, 2024)
    South African Institute of Physics
  • Marcela Carena, Chair-Elect, Forum on International Physics
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)
  • Christine Darve, Past Chair, Forum on International Physics
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    European Spallation Source
  • Amy Flatten, Staff Liaison
    American Physical Society (APS)

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