Panel on Public Affairs

The Panel on Public Affairs (POPA) is responsible for making recommendations to the President, the Board, and the Council on public affairs activities of the Society that have been designated to it by the Board and/or Council. POPA may initiate new public affairs activities for the Society and may recommend new programs to the Council. POPA draws from the expertise of its membership to draft reports and statements on behalf of APS. These draft reports and statements are subject to Council approval prior to release.

The membership of POPA includes a Chair, Chair-Elect, Vice Chair, the Past Chair, the Vice President, the immediate APS Past President, the Congressional Fellow(s) in the second year following the term of service, thirteen (13) members elected by Council to staggered three (3) year terms, and one (1) member from each of the Forum on Industrial and Applied Physics (FIAP), the Forum on Early Career Scientists (FECS), the Forum on Graduate Student Affairs (FGSA), and the Forum on Physics and Society (FPS) to serve staggered three (3) year terms. The Vice Chair is elected by Council, and serves a four (4) year term in the Chair line.

The POPA Steering Committee consists of the Chair, the Chair-Elect, the Vice Chair, the Past Chair, the Vice President, the Past President, and at least two (2) additional members selected from among and by the members of POPA.

POPA is a Council Committee.

View minutes from past POPA meetings

  • Don Lamb, Chair
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    University of Chicago
  • Brian DeMarco, Chair-Elect
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Sarah Demers, Vice Chair
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    Yale University
  • Eric Mazur, Past Chair
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    Harvard University
  • Kristen Pudenz
    (Jan 1, 2022 – Dec 31, 2024)
  • Idalia Ramos
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2026)
    University of Puerto Rico at Humacao
  • Michelle Larson
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2026)
    Adler Planetarium Chicago
  • Divine Kumah
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2026)
    Duke University
  • Ian Coddington
    (Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2025)
    National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • Marty Baylor
    (Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2025)
    Carleton College
  • Patricia Rankin
    (Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2025)
    Arizona State University
  • Raymond Jeanloz
    (Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2025)
    University of California, Berkeley
  • Lisbeth Gronlund
    (Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2025)
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Scott Franklin
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2026)
    Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Dana Dattelbaum
    (Jan 1, 2022 – Dec 31, 2024)
    Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)
  • Clifford Johnson
    (Jan 1, 2022 – Dec 31, 2024)
    University of Southern California
  • John Marston
    (Jan 1, 2022 – Dec 31, 2024)
    Brown University
  • Robert Rosner, Chair, Physics Policy Committee
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    University of Chicago
  • Laura Grego, Representative, Forum on Physics and Society
    (Jan 1, 2022 – Dec 31, 2024)
  • Stephanie Mack, Congressional Fellow
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    United States Department of State (DOS)
  • John M. Doyle, Advisor
    (Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024)
    Harvard University
  • Young-Kee Kim, Advisor
    (Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2024)
    University of Chicago
  • Jorge Nicolas Hernandez Charpak, Staff Liaison
    American Physical Society (APS)

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