Letter from APS leadership

Russian Invasion of Ukraine: APS Decries Attacks on/near Ukrainian Nuclear Facilities

March 8, 2022

The American Physical Society decries the Russian military operations upon or near all nuclear facilities in Ukraine and especially the recent attacks upon the Zaporizhzhia power plant. Nuclear facilities contain highly radioactive nuclear material. Attacks upon or nearby any nuclear facility could result in direct damage to its safety systems or indirect damage to its support systems. Such combat risks the release of radioactive material and potential danger to millions of people. The APS underscores its support for the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Director General's call for "restraint from all measures or actions that could jeopardize the security of nuclear and other radioactive material, and the safe operation of any nuclear facilities in Ukraine."

APS Board of Directors

Frances Hellman
PresidentUniversity of California, Berkeley
Robert Rosner
President-ElectUniversity of Chicago
Young-Kee Kim
Vice PresidentUniversity of Chicago
Sylvester James Gates, Jr.
Past PresidentUniversity of Maryland
Jonathan A. Bagger
CEOAmerican Physical Society

More information

  1. ga@aps.org

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