Emerging Soft Matter Excellence Award Endowment

Advance exceptional research by graduate students pursuing soft matter physics.

We did it! Donors like you have helped us to raise $91,004.22 of our $90,000 goal.

Donate to the Soft Matter Excellence Award

Thank you to our donors

  1. Anonymous (5)
  2. APS Division of Soft Matter
  3. Chemical & Biological Engineering, Princeton University
  4. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
  5. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Pennsylvania
  6. Chemical Engineering, Columbia University
  7. Johnson & Johnson Services, Inc.
  8. Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, Harvard University
  9. Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Delaware
  10. North Carolina State University
  11. The William A. Brookshire Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Houston University
  12. José Alvarado
  13. Aparna Baskaran
  14. Irmgard Bischofberger
  15. Sibani Biswal
  16. Justin Burton
  17. Jacinta Conrad
  18. Eric Corwin
  19. Kari Dalnoki-Veress
  20. Karen Daniels
  21. Sujit Datta
  22. Juan de Pablo
  23. Emanuela Del Gado
  24. Haim Diamant
  25. Zvonimir Dogic
  26. Eric Dufresne
  27. Douglas Durian
  28. Deborah Fygenson
  29. Jan Genzer
  30. Sharon Glotzer
  31. Laura Gray
  32. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Delaware
  33. Michael Hore
  34. Cytoskeleton, Inc.
  35. Lilian Hsiao
  36. Ignaas Jimidar
  37. Randall Kamien
  38. Eleni Katifori
  39. Nathan Keim
  40. John Kolinski
  41. O Lavrentovich
  42. School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University
  43. Andrea Liu
  44. Elizabeth Mann
  45. Elisabetta Matsumoto
  46. Ryan McGorty
  47. Gareth McKinley
  48. Sidney Nagel
  49. Christopher O'Bryan
  50. Peter Olmsted
  51. Chinedum Osuji
  52. Matteo Pasquali
  53. Ryan Poling-Skutvik
  54. Thomas Powers
  55. Sean Ridout
  56. Rae Robertson-Anderson
  57. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University
  58. Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, University of Chicago
  59. Abhinendra Singh
  60. Soheil Soghadi
  61. Michael Solomon
  62. Kathleen Stebe
  63. Howard Stone
  64. Matthew Tirrell
  65. Christopher Tong
  66. Thomas Truskett
  67. Megan Valentine
  68. Rafael Verduzco
  69. Lynn Walker
  70. Eric R. Weeks
  71. Slobodan Zumer

Your gift supports research by graduate students pursuing soft matter physics.

The APS Division of Soft Matter's (DSOFT) new Emerging Soft Matter Excellence Award (ESME) recognizes an exceptional graduate student pursuing research in soft matter physics.

DSOFT has pledged to match the first $40,000 in donations raised toward this campaign's $90,000 endowment goal.

Support the Emerging Soft Matter Excellence Award

Ephraim Bililign
DSOFT Student Affairs Committee Chair Ephraim Bililign

About the Emerging Soft Matter Excellence Award

Learn more about the Emerging Soft Matter Excellence Award

Ways to give

Donate to APS through the most convenient and secure methods for you.

Help recognize and enhance outstanding achievements of early-career scientists in the interdisciplinary area of precision measurement and fundamental constants and encourage the wide dissemination of the research results.

Reach out to us for a form to give through a wire transfer.

Write a check payable to the American Physical Society and include the name of the award in the memo. Mail your gift to:

Kevin Kase, Director of Development
One Physics Ellipse
College Park, MD 20740

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Please email the APS fundraising team with questions.


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