APS March Meeting 2020 Presentations

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APS March Meeting 2020

Session J

J39. First-principles modeling of excited-state phenomena in materials VI: GW+BSE Theory Development

J39.00004: Equation of motion coupled-cluster approach for multi-electron excitations in x-ray spectra
Sponsor Unit(s): DCOMP DMP DCP
John Rehr, Fernando Vila, Joshua Kas, Karol Kowalski, Bo Peng

J39.00005: Real-time EOM-CCS Green's function method for the core spectral functions
Sponsor Unit(s): DCOMP DMP DCP
Fernando Vila, John Rehr, Bo Peng, Karol Kowalski

J39.00006: Neutral Excitation Energies of Crystalline Solids from Periodic Equation-of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Theory
Sponsor Unit(s): DCOMP DMP DCP
Xiao Wang, Timothy Berkelbach