Letter from APS leadership

APS Applauds Passage of CHIPS Act

July 29, 2022

The American Physical Society (APS) is delighted that Congress has passed the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 (CHIPS+). This historic legislation is a critical step toward strengthening the United States’s competitiveness in science, technology, and innovation. In addition to an unprecedented investment in US-based semiconductor manufacturing, CHIPS+ provides significant increases in authorized funding for the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy Office of Science, and other federal science agencies. Federal investment in science bolsters the economy and ensures our national security by supporting the cutting edge physical science research that underpins the development of advanced technologies. The bill also includes key policy provisions to help end sexual harassment in STEM, diversify and fortify the US scientific workforce, and thoughtfully steward our nation’s supply of helium, a critical, nonrenewable natural resource. APS is grateful for the bipartisan support of these issues and their inclusion in the bill, which represents the culmination of years of sustained advocacy efforts by APS members. CHIPS+ is, without a doubt, the most significant piece of science legislation in more than a decade.

Frances Hellman
APS President

More information

  1. ga@aps.org

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