Prize Recipient

Recipient Picture

Daan Frenkel
FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics


"For groundbreaking contributions to computational physics through the development of novel methodologies and algorithms to probe soft matter systems, thereby providing understanding of their diverse behaviors."


Daan Frenkel (1948)
Undergaduate education: U. Amsterdam: 1966-1972
PhD Degree: U. Amsterdam, 1977.

Employment history:
Postdoctoral research UCLA (1977-1980)
Research scientist Shell (1980-1981),
Assistant/Associate Professor: U.Utrecht 1981-1986.
Since 1987:
Group/division leader FOM Institute AMOLF (Amsterdam) Professor of Computational Physical Chemistry U. Utrecht. Since 1998:
Professor of Computational Macromolecular Chemistry U. Amsterdam.

Main current research interests: Computer simulations of structure and dynamics of soft-matter systems. Simulations of nucleation phenomena. Novel Monte Carlo algorithms and coarse-grained modeling techniques. Co-author (with B. Smit) of book: Understanding Molecular Simulation.

Significant awards and distinctions:
" 1997: Physica' prize and lecturer of the Dutch Physical Society. " 1997 Lennard-Jones' lecture of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK).
" 1998 Elected member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences
" 1999 Bourke lecturer and medalist of the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK).
" 2000: NWO Spinoza Award
" 2002: Elected Member of the Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen
" 2004: Rothschild Professor, University of Cambridge (UK)
" 2005: Honorary Professor, Beijing University of Chemical Technology
" 2006: Foreign Member Royal Society (London). " Member of the Dutch Physical Society and the American Physical Society.

Selection Committee:

Barry Schneider (Chair), Sharon Glotzer (12/06), Uzi Landman (2005 Recipient)(12/06), Beverly Berger (V. Chair)(12/07), David Ceperley (12/07)