Effective Practices for Recruiting and Retaining Women in Physics

From experience conducting site visits, APS has compiled best practices for a positive work and study climate that you can implement in your department, lab, or consortium.

How can a physics department transform the enthusiasm and ambition of its women undergraduates into successful and ambitious graduate students, dynamic postdocs, energetic junior faculty, and productive, happy, senior faculty serving as positive role models for all?

From many years of conducting site visits, and helping physics departments put change into action, we have developed a collection of practices that have been proven to be effective in improving the climate for all.


The APS Committee on the Status of Women welcomes you to contact us with comments or suggestions on how to improve these effective practice guides.


Site visits help physics departments and consortia, as well as national and private labs, to take action that will improve their environment for everyone.

Assisting physics institutions in implementing positive change for everyone, especially women and underrepresented groups

A group of people working together around a table

A welcoming community working to transform physics by enacting strategies to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.

A student and a physicist sitting together at a table at APS March Meeting

We're committed to fostering a welcoming physics community where everyone passionate about science can succeed.

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