APS News | People and History

New APS Mid-Atlantic Section to Meet at Penn State

The newest regional section of APS will have its inaugural meeting in October.

Published July 30, 2014

Pennsylvania State University will host the first meeting of the newly-formed Mid-Atlantic Section of APS, on October 3 - 5, 2014.

In addition to plenary lectures by renowned physicists, including Nobel laureate William Phillips of NIST, there will be invited/contributed sessions on all areas of physics research and education.

Activities at the meeting include:

  • Workshop on teaching undergraduate physics courses, led by Carolyn Sealfon, Princeton University
  • Career session for graduate and undergraduate students, led by Crystal Bailey, APS
  • Graduate school fair
  • After-banquet talk by Dan Vergano from National Geographic
  • Tours of labs, research facilities, learning facilities and astronomical viewing
  • Access to museums such as the Earth and Mineral Sciences Museum and Art Gallery, the Penn State All Sports Museum, and the Discovery Space of Central PA

Registration costs are being kept low to facilitate participation. It is anticipated that some travel grants will be available for undergraduate students.

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