APS General Election

The 2023 general election results are in.

APS is pleased to announce the results of the 2023 general election for terms beginning January 1, 2024.

Thank you to all who voted, and special thanks to our election candidates. As a volunteer-driven organization, APS is grateful for your continued involvement and support.

2023 election winners

We are pleased to announce the the winners of the 2023 APS General Election:

Brad Marston

Vice president

Laura Cadonati

General councilor

Luisa Cifarelli

International councilor

Nan Phinney

Nominating Committee chair


Two people shaking hands

APS leadership shapes the future of the society in response to our members.

Young-Kee Kim

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An individual speaking at a microphone during a Q&A session at an APS meeting

Leaders in APS's committees use their expertise to shape our initiatives and the physics community.

Three young women interacting with each other in a science lab

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