Traveling Abroad from the United States

People in an airport

US citizens traveling abroad

US citizens traveling abroad to attend scientific meetings, visit laboratories, collaborate with others, and engage in other activities to further the global physics community should prepare in advance to ensure they have all necessary documentation.

Passports & visas

US citizens typically need a passport to enter a foreign country. Passports should be valid for six months beyond the scheduled visit.

US citizens may be required to obtain a tourist visa to enter certain countries. Entry and exit requirements for US citizens traveling abroad is available from the US State Department. Entry and exit requirements are also available by contacting embassies and consulates in the United States directly.

View country-specific information from the US Department of State

Travel to Canada

Everyone who enters Canada is required to provide proof of identification and citizenship. A passport satisfies these requirements, but US citizens may also provide other specific forms of identification to meet these requirements. In most cases, if making a short trip to Canada, US citizens do not need a visa.

View US Department of State requirements for travel to Canada

US residents & visitors traveling abroad

Foreign nationals must review their immigration documents before leaving the United States to make sure that they will be allowed to reenter.

Advance parole

Foreign nationals who have applied for adjustment of their immigration status to US permanent resident must obtain "advance parole" from US Citizenship and Immigration Services if they plan to travel abroad. Without advance parole, they will abandon their adjustment application and will not be readmitted to the United States.

If you are a foreign national planning to travel outside the US, we encourage you to review advance parole tips from the Department of Homeland Security.

Visa requirements

Travelers should determine well in advance whether they require a visa to enter their destination country. If a visa is required, contact the respective embassy for information on visa application.

Find more visa guidance from APS

Academic institutions

If your institution has an international office, it may offer additional guidance. For example, a student on an F-1 visa should consult the international office at their university.

Travel to Canada

Everyone who travels to Canada must provide proof of citizenship and identification. Travelers should also determine whether they will require a visa.

See visitor visa information for traveling to Canada


Two hands exchanging documents

APS provides general visa and related information for physicists traveling internationally to attend scientific meetings and other events.

A visa document

APS provides visa resources to help international physicists easily prepare for a visit to the United States.

A woman participating in a meeting by writing on a Post-It note on a whiteboard

Organizing an international physics meeting in the United States will need planning ahead to ensure the attendance of international participants.

A hand reaching out to touch a hologram-like globe

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