Press release

New APS Meeting Registration Pricing Structure Ensures Global Equity for Physicists

Feb. 3, 2023

The American Physical Society (APS) announces a new, tiered pricing structure for in-person and virtual March and April Meeting registrations to ensure global price equity for physicists worldwide. A webpage about the initiative features full details, including benefits to the physics community and the process APS used for developing the pricing structure.

APS strives to be a welcoming community for diverse physicists around the world to connect with each other—a welcoming global hub. Equity in registration price underscores the Society’s appreciation and respect for the diverse international physics community.

The new pricing structure is based on GDP per capita and World Bank classifications. Physicists residing in Lower-Income countries (LICs), Lower-Middle-Income countries (LMICs), and Upper-Middle-Income countries (UMICs) may register for the APS March and April 2023 Meetings at the following scaled tiers:

  • Residents in LICs and LMICs may register at an 89% discount.
  • Residents in UMICs may register at a 72% discount.

APS urges the physics community to help the Society share this great news through its international networks, so that physicists across the globe may benefit from the new pricing structure.


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