Advocate and amplify

Member Op-eds and Letters to the Editor

Through writing op-eds and letters to the editor, APS members educate the public and compel lawmakers to take action for physics.

APS members, in collaboration with the APS Government Affairs team, may craft and pitch op-eds and letters to the editor for publication in their local news outlets. These op-eds and letters to the editor are important advocacy tools in raising awareness about science policy issues, and APS leaders and staff may also use them when communicating with policymakers about issues relevant to the STEM community. We encourage you to read the following op-eds and letters to the editor, and if you are interested in writing about science policy issues that are part of APS's advocacy priorities, please contact the Government Affairs team.


Two APS members at Congressional Visits Day 2024

News and updates centered around the physics community's public policy needs and priorities

Two people speaking to each other at Congressional Visits Day

Join APS in our strategic, member-centric approach to advocacy that yields results that advance the physics community's policy needs and priorities.

An attendee speaking at an APS meeting

We're a voice for physics in public policy and public engagement, providing resources to policymakers, educators, and the public.

Three young women interacting with each other in a science lab

Unleash the power of physics, educate the next generation, and strengthen the physics community. Make a lasting impact by volunteering with APS.

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