APS-IDEA Network Members

Our teams implement research-based transformational methods to drive cultural change.

APS-IDEA members form teams that implement research-based transformational methods to drive cultural change and center people with marginalized identities in their academic departments and laboratories.

Teams come together to discuss shared challenges and strategies for transformation in topical cohorts.

View the topical cohorts

Types and number of network members

The APS-IDEA network spans 99 teams and nearly 1,500 individuals drawn from a wide range of physics organizations—departments, national laboratories, large collaborations from within the US and around the world—dedicated to improving justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in physics.

APS supports these teams of physicists through shared communities, online resources and facilitation assistance to accelerate results. However, with a grassroots model, APS-IDEA teams share leadership across all levels, from students up to faculty.

Join APS-IDEA to create a culture of transformation

Active APS-IDEA teams

Teams at the following institutions are advancing DEI in physics:

  • Aalto University
  • Arizona State University
  • Auburn University
  • Augustana College, Illinois
  • Bridgewater State University
  • Brock University Effective Practices for Physics Programs Department Action Leadership Institute
  • California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
  • Carleton College
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • Case Western Reserve University
  • Colgate University
  • Colorado School of Mines
  • Dalhousie University (Canada)
  • Florida International University
  • Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany)
  • Harvard University
  • Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
  • Howard University and the National Institute of Standards and Technology
  • Illinois Institute of Technology
  • Indiana University
  • Kansas State University
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Lawrence Livermore National Lab
  • Lawrence Technological University
  • Los Alamos National Lab
  • Louisiana State University
  • Loyola University, Chicago
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Michigan State University
  • Mississippi State University
  • Mount Holyoke College
  • NASA GSFC Astroparticle Physics Lab
  • National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
  • North Carolina A&T State University
  • North Carolina State University
  • Ohio State University
  • Ohio University
  • Pennsylvania State University
  • Pomona College
  • Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
  • Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
  • Rowan University
  • Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) (Collaboration)
  • Simon Fraser University (Canada)
  • Skidmore College
  • SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
  • South Dakota Mines
  • Stanford University
  • State University of New York, Plattsburgh
  • State University of New York, Potsdam
  • Syracuse University
  • TRIUMF (Canada)
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • University of California, Irvine
  • University of California, Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (SCIPP)
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Cincinnati
  • University of Massachusetts, Lowell
  • University of Michigan
  • University of New Hampshire
  • University of North Florida
  • University of Oklahoma
  • University of Queensland (Australia)
  • University of Rochester (Laboratory for Laser Energetics)
  • University of Texas, Austin
  • University of Washington Bothell
  • Yale University

Past APS-IDEA teams

The following institutions have inactive APS-IDEA teams:

  • Brown University
  • California State University, Long Beach
  • Donostia International Physics Center (Spain)
  • Hendrix College
  • LUX-ZEPLIN Experiment (LZ) (Collaboration)
  • North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) (Collaboration)
  • Oregon State University
  • Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) (Brazil)
  • Simons Observatory (Collaboration)
  • Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
  • St Mary's College of Maryland
  • Texas State University
  • Towson University
  • Université de Montréal (Canada)
  • University of Alberta
  • University of California, Davis
  • University of California, Riverside
  • University of Central Florida
  • University of Colorado Boulder and JILA
  • University of Connecticut
  • University of Kansas
  • University of Manitoba (Canada)
  • University of Northern Iowa
  • University of Pittsburgh and Pittsburgh Particle Physics Astrophysics and Cosmology Center (PITT PAC)
  • University of Sherbrooke (Canada)
  • University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • Vanderbilt University
  • Washington University in St. Louis
  • West Virginia University

Related resources

Learn more about APS-IDEA and connect with others dedicated to creating cultural change within the physics community.

Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity Alliance

A welcoming community working to transform physics by enacting strategies to advance diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Join the APS-IDEA Network

Connect your institution to a community of transformation.

APS-IDEA's Goals and Strategy for Change

APS-IDEA teams are led by guiding principles and enact them in their institutions to create transformational change.

Inclusive Physics

We're committed to fostering a welcoming physics community where everyone passionate about science can succeed.

Join your Society

If you embrace scientific discovery, truth and integrity, partnership, inclusion, and lifelong curiosity, this is your professional home.