Farah Dawood

Senior Program Manager

Farah leads programs that position graduate students, in particular women and gender diverse individuals, in leadership roles in the physics community.

    Farah Dawood

    Farah Dawood,PhD, is a senior program manager at APS. At APS, Farah leads programs that position graduate students, in particular women and gender diverse individuals, in leadership roles in the physics community. More recently, she has also been working toward convening the larger community of women and gender diverse individuals in physics.

    Farah earned her PhD in chemistry from The Pennsylvania State University in 2010, and following that, completed two postdoctoral positions at the University of Maryland and Los Alamos National Laboratory. She joined the faculty at Hamilton College as an Assistant Professor of chemistry in 2015. During her time at Hamilton, she was awarded the John R. Hatch Excellence in Teaching Award in 2017 and was the recipient of the Class of 1966 Career Development Award in 2016 and 2017.

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