Kétévi A. Assamagan


Assamagan, a physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), originally from Togo, is known for his significant contributions to the ATLAS Experiment.

    Assamagan, a physicist at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL), originally from Togo, is known for his significant contributions to the ATLAS Experiment. A US citizen, he arrived with a scholarship from the African-American Institute, obtained his PhD at the University of Virginia, and pursued post-doctoral research at Hampton University and CERN. Joining BNL in 2001, he held key roles in the ATLAS Collaboration, contributing to the discovery of the Higgs boson. Assamagan played a pivotal role in South Africa joining ATLAS and co-founded the African School of Physics. He is a Fellow of the African Academy of Sciences, South African Institute of Physics, and American Physical Society. His research focuses on physics beyond the Standard Model, particularly in the dark sector. Assamagan is actively involved in education and outreach, serving as the US-ATLAS Education and Public Outreach coordinator, QuarkNet contact person at BNL, and manager of the African School of Physics. Besides his scientific endeavors, Assamagan is a talented African drum player and author of the book Citizen and Traveler, recounting his journey from a humble African village to the forefront of particle physics research.

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