APS Fellow Archive

The APS Fellow Archive contains records of many APS Fellows from 1921 to the present. Please note some Fellows may not be displayed or may display with limited information.

The archive is a historical record and is not updated to reflect current information. All institutional affiliations reflect the Fellows’ affiliations at the time of election to APS Fellowship.

For a current listing of Fellows who are active members, or to find Fellows currently affiliated with your institution, please use the APS Member Directory. For questions about the archive or to inquire about locating a record, please contact APS Honors Staff at honors@aps.org.

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Maria Dworzecka [1996]
George Mason University
Citation: For co-directing the Consortium of Upper Level Physics Software (CUPS) and co-editing accompanying instructional material for upper level physics classes.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Alex Friedman [1996]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For innovations in computer modeling of fusion plasmas, laser-plasma interactions and charged particle beams, and design of high space charge accelerator components.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Adrian Lewis Melott [1996]
University of Kansas
Citation: For groundbreaking studies of the origin and evolution of cosmic structure.
Nominated by: DCOMP

Gregory Rewoldt [1996]
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
Citation: For his authorship of comprehensive codes for linear toroidal eigenmodes with realistic geometry and kinetic effects and his extensive contributions to the understanding of microinstabilities in tokamaks.
Nominated by: DCOMP

George B. Zimmerman [1996]
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Citation: For his creation, and subsequent development, of the LASNEX simulation code, which has been used extensively to guide the development of the National ICF program from its inception, to this day.
Nominated by: DCOMP