APS Fellow Archive

The APS Fellow Archive contains records of many APS Fellows from 1921 to the present. Please note some Fellows may not be displayed or may display with limited information.

The archive is a historical record and is not updated to reflect current information. All institutional affiliations reflect the Fellows’ affiliations at the time of election to APS Fellowship.

For a current listing of Fellows who are active members, or to find Fellows currently affiliated with your institution, please use the APS Member Directory. For questions about the archive or to inquire about locating a record, please contact APS Honors Staff at honors@aps.org.

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Herman Batelaan [2008]
University of Nebraska
Citation: For outstanding contributions to electron matter optics, in particular the measurements of the Kapitza-Dirac effect and elucidation of the Aharonov-Bohm effect.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Michael Brunger [2008]
Flinders University
Citation: For benchmark measurements of electron scattering from molecules, specifically concerning absolute collision cross sections and electron momentum spectroscopy.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Jens Dahl [2008]
Technical University of Denmark
Citation: For his pioneering work on quantum chemistry and its interplay with Wigner phase-space including fundamental questions of quantum mechanics such as the spinning electron.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Andrei Derevianko [2008]
University of Nevada
Citation: For elucidating the role of the Breit interaction in atomic parity non-conservation, demonstrating the importance of higher-order non-dipole corrections in low-energy photoionization, and for pioneering calculations of higher-order many-body corrections to atomic energies and matrix elements.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Jonathan P. Dowling [2008]
Louisiana State University
Citation: For major contributions to quantum optics as it pertains tot he development of the theory of atomic emission rates and nonlinear switching in photonic crystals, as well as seminal contributions to quantum metrology and imaging, especially the invention of quantum lithography.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Klaus Molmer [2008]
University of Aarhus
Citation: For his outstanding and insightful contributions to theoretical quantum optics, quantum information science and quantum atom optics, including the development of novel computational methods to treat open systems in quantum mechanics and theoretical proposals for the quantum logic gates with trapped ions.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Amy Mullin [2008]
University of Maryland
Citation: For innovative and significant contributions to the understanding of reactive and inelastic collisions of high energy molecules.
Nominated by: DAMOP

James V. Porto [2008]
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Citation: For seminal studies of ultra-cold atoms in optical lattices with applications to quantum information, many-body physics, and condensed matter models, and for the invention of optical lattice techniques including a super-lattice for patterned loading, and a re-configurable lattice of double wells.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Mark Saffman [2008]
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Citation: For pioneering research on spatial pattern formation and solitons in photorefractive crystals, and neutral atom quantum information processing.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Peter Schmelcher [2008]
Universitaet Hamburg
Citation: For important contributions to the theory of strongly magnetized atoms and molecules, giant dipole states in combined electric and magnetic fields, and magnetic trapping of ultracold Rydberg atoms.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Rex Skodje [2008]
University of Colorado
Citation: For fundamental theoretical studies that have resulted in a great understanding of chemical reaction dynamics.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Aephraim Steinberg [2008]
University  of Toronto
Citation: For pioneering theoretical and experimental contributions to the understanding of fundamental quantum phenomena including photon and atom tunneling and the quantum information stored in cold atomic gases.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Charles Vane [2008]
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Citation: For the elegant experimental elucidation of charge transfer and other fundamental inelastic processes in atomic, molecular, and bulk matter systems spanning interaction energies of milli-electron volts to tera-electron volts.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Chris I. Westbrook [2008]
Institut d'Optique Graduate School
Citation: For outstanding contributions to the development of methods to laser cool atoms below the Dopler limit, for the creation of a Bose-Einstein condensate of metastable helium atoms, and for pioneering experiments in quantum optics for measuring of atom-atom pair correlations in ultracold gases.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Oleg Zatsarinny [2008]
Drake University
Citation: For the development of the B-Spline R-matrix method with non-orthogonal orbital sets for atomic structure calculations of exceptional accuracy and benchmark calculations for excitation and ionization of complex atoms and ions by photon and electron impact.
Nominated by: DAMOP

Lucy M. Ziurys [2008]
University of Arizona
Citation: For forefront contributions in molecular spectroscopy leading to new discoveries and understanding of molecules in interstellar and circumstellar environments.
Nominated by: DAMOP